Telecommunication Product Range

Telecommunications is one of the world's fastest growing industries.
The communicators' dream of world-wide personal communication of voice, picture and data is not many years away.
The range of Telecommunications training equipment has been designed to provide a modern, efficient approach to the training of the engineers and technicians that will be required to fulfil that dream.

The philosophy is to equip the students with the fundamental ideas and principles that underpin modern telecommunications practice.
These will then serve them well throughout their chosen career.
The growing range of Teknikit products with Discovery software employs contemporary computer aids to instruction and laboratory practical work.
These have been designed to increase the efficiency of knowledge transfer and, through computer based instrumentation techniques, minimise the need for additional, expensive laboratory equipment.

In addition to educational equipment italtec manufactures and markets a range of Weather Satellite Recievers for use in education, research, meteorology, and television & commercial weather forecasting.

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